Botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) Did you know that the duration of action depends on mimic muscles?

Kinetic muscle structure

I have no lines when immobile, I can move my eyebrows whenever I want, you have a lar kinetic yok muscle structure. The duration of action of botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) in humans with kinetic muscle structure is 4-6 months.

Hyperkinetic muscle structure

I’m doing a lot of facial expressions, sometimes you can look angry when you’re talking calm, you have a gibi hyperkinetic sakin muscle structure. People with hyperkinetic muscle structure and physicians are satisfied with the result. The results in these people last for an average of 4 months. In patients with this muscle structure, Botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) therapy may need to be repeated regularly and the dose should be increased according to muscle kinetics for optimum results.

Hypertonic muscle structure

” Are you angry ? Iniz This question disrupts you and I always look sad and tired, if you say it’s very hard to get rid of my deep wrinkles and lines, you have a or hypertonic ına muscle structure. The duration of action in people with hypertonic muscle structure is 3-4 months. Both patients and physicians can be dismayed for two reasons. The lines are not completely lost and the duration of the action may take less than 4 months. Depending on the face type of people with this muscle structure, even after the application of a higher unit, the lines may not disappear completely, so patients should be regularly repeated for Botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) treatment, and additionally fillings should be used to obtain better overall results.

Ümit Mahallesi Ankaralılar Caddesi No: 2 Kat: 7 Daire: 7 Nokta Ankara ŞA-RA Binası Çankaya / ANKARA

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