Capillary Vein Therapy
Capillaries are called dilated and near-surface vessels. It can be seen anywhere on the body and more often on the face and legs. Percent capillary fractures bring facial redness; this is a common problem in society. On the other hand, it can be evaluated in proportion to the occupational groups. Recovery usually ranges from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the patient’s condition. Treatments are performed at 4 – 6 week intervals. Avoid sun during treatment; then it is recommended to use sunscreen. Generally, they are not a health problem.
What are the causes of capillaries and what are the methods used?
Although the cause is not known exactly, hereditary factors, pregnancy, trauma, aging, sun damage, jobs requiring standing, obesity, cellulite, pregnancy, heavy lifting, tight and tight dressing, water consumption reduction, high heeled shoes and hormonal factors contribute to this formation it is believed to exist. In more than 40% of women, various types of capillary forms can be seen. For women, there is an undesirable cosmetic condition and patients should be evaluated for varicose veins. There may be edema, itching, night cramps and signs of fatigue in the leg.
Capillary treatment was treated with sclerotherapy and radiofrequency systems for many years. However, in recent years, laser systems have been used more widely in terms of effect and side effect profile. Less pain is felt in laser application. However, anesthetic cream or painkiller can be used in people with low pain threshold. Another method is the cooling method. Cooling; It can be in the form of head or external cooling.
Complications like sclerotherapy and permanent stigma and trace formation are caused by the fact that the drug goes out of the skin as the vessel diameter becomes smaller. Radiofrequency, electrocautery and TC 3000 method are quite long lasting and painful.
Concerns about the Treatment of Capillary Vein
What are the causes of capillary fracture?
Main reasons; Skin sensitization, excessive sun damage, contraceptive pills, old age and genetic factors, hormonal treatment methods, long-term use of cortisone creams and haematogic diseases may cause the capillary to crack.
In which areas is the capillary fracture?
It could be anywhere in the body. But the most common places; leg, face (nose, cheek) and hip.
What are the symptoms of capillary fracture?
The main symptoms are; The occurrence of pink and red, purple, blue or red skin is the formation of skin surface.
Causes capillary cracking on the leg?
Causes of capillary fracture on the leg; estrogen hormone, familial predisposition, standing, obesity, high heel, tight pants are among the causes.
What are the causes of capillaries in the face?
Skin sensitization, excessive sun exposure, rosacea disease, metabolic and rheumatic disorders, cortisone creams, alcohol, genetic diseases are among the reasons.
Does the capillary repeat after treatment?
Capillary vessels are lost after treatment and are not an obstacle.
What are the methods of capillary treatment?
Currently, it is treated with laser, sclerotherapy and light devices.
What should be considered before implementation?
If there is any cream, lotion, etc. in the body before treatment should be cleaned. The area to be treated must be completely clean.
What should be considered after the application?
After treatment; Sunscreen should be used to avoid sun exposure. Cream can be applied according to your doctor’s recommendation.
How many days after the application is achieved improvement?
Pain is very low. Slight swelling and redness may occur in the areas. Sometimes there may be small crusts that will last for a few days, but these complaints go on in a few days.
Is there a feeling of pain during treatment?
There may be temporary, heat-induced pain sensation during treatment, but it can be folded and pain can be minimized by means of a laser cooler cap.
What should be the session intervals after the treatment?
It varies between 4-6 weeks according to the region.
Do you get results immediately after treatment?
An immediate result is obtained. Redness may occur depending on the procedure. In four to six weeks, it will disappear.
What are the laser devices used for the process?
Nd: YAG laser (1064 nm) is used.
Is it applied simultaneously with skin redness?
Yes two can be applied simultaneously. There is no problem, it does not leave skin damage.
For more information, please click on the laser with capillary treatment page.