In case of hyperthyroidism, low secretion of thyroid hormone, From the hair strand to the intestines, the whole metabolism slows down and causes problems such as hair loss, tendency to sleep, weight gain, deepening of the voice, and weakness. In case of excess thyroid hormone, hair loss, rapid weight loss and excessive sweating can be seen. As a result, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism damage our hair. leads to hair loss. In addition to regulating metabolism, thyroid hormones are also very important in the work of the immune system, affecting processes such as heart rate and body temperature, and converting nutrients into energy. It provides brain intelligence development in the fetus and newborn baby in the mother’s womb. directs the growth and development of the child, regulates sugar, fat and protein metabolism in adults. Due to these important functions in our body, thyroid disorders cause serious health problems and should be treated.
What is the connection between hair loss and thyroid?
To understand how hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism causes hair loss, we must first understand how hair grows. hair follicles begin to grow inside the hair follicle on the scalp. The blood vessels in the scalp nourish these roots, providing more cell production and thus the hair grows. During growth, hair follicles pass through the sebaceous glands, keeping the hair soft and shiny. When the production of hormones in the body is disrupted, the problem in the thyroid hormones called t3 and t4 disrupts the balance of the body, and the scalp is also affected. There is thinning of the hair follicles and the hair falls out, it may not grow again i. It can affect not only hair follicles, but also eyebrows, eyelashes and hair follicles. however, having autoimmune diseases caused by an imbalance of thyroid hormones can increase the risk of alopecia. Alopecia leads to significant hair loss on the scalp and baldness over time. Other diseases related to thyroid problems include Hashimoto’s, polycystic ovarian syndrome and lupus erythematosus. In addition, sometimes medications used to treat thyroid diseases can also cause hair loss. Ingredients such as carbimazole and propylthiouracil are antithyroid drugs that can cause hair loss in some cases. Radioactive iodine treatment does not cause hair loss.
Symptoms of hair loss due to thyroid hormones
Hair loss due to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may not be noticed beforehand. Hair loss of 50-100 strands from the scalp every day is considered a normal condition. In hair loss due to thyroid hormone imbalance, first the hair gets thinner, the growth of the hair slows down and the hair starts to shed more than normal. After this situation is noticed, it is necessary to go to a specialist.
Treatment of hair loss due to thyroid disorders
If you are experiencing hair loss above the normal values, first of all, you should be evaluated by a dermatologist who specializes in hair diseases and the exact cause of the loss should be revealed. If your hair loss problem is related to the thyroid, it will be beneficial to manage the treatment with an endocrinologist. Early diagnosis of hair loss is critical in terms of regaining the lost hair.