Ümit Mahallesi Meksika Caddesi 2479. Sokak Nokta – ŞARA Binası Ankara No: 2 Daire: 7 Çankaya Ankara
Laser Hair Removal
Ankara Laser Hair Removal
Fast and Permanent Laser Hair Removal Ümitköy
Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal Ankara, Laser Hair Removal Çayyolu, Laser hair removal Ümitköy
It is estimated that the time spent by a woman to get rid of her leg hair is 72 days. Thanks to laser hair removal, it is possible to get rid of unwanted hair quickly and permanently.
Since 2004, we have been performing effective and safe laser hair removal treatments, using the most technologically advanced FDA approved systems in the world, suitable for the skin structure, hair structure and hair color of our patients.
In addition to Alexandrite, Diode and Nd-yag laser wavelengths, IPL systems can be used for laser hair removal.
Can You Get Permanent Results With Laser Hair Removal?
Yes, it is possible to get permanent results from unwanted hair with laser hair removal method. The application sessions are between 6-8 sessions on average and the number of sessions may vary, as the hormonal structure and hair structure are different from person to person. Session intervals are on average 5-6 weeks. The number of sessions may be prolonged in patients with hormonal disorders, if you have such a doubt, you should be evaluated by a dermatologist or endocrine specialist.
Will the hairs grow back after Ankara Laser Hair Removal?
Although the duration of the hair removal treatment session varies from person to person and according to the areas applied, results can usually be obtained between 6-8 sessions under optimal conditions. The hairs that grow in the human body are in 3 phases. The hair removal process is effective in the growth phase of the hair. Since all the hairs are not in the same phase, one session will not be enough. For this reason, a certain part of the hair grows back after epilation (those who are not in the anagen phase). For this reason, a new laser hair removal session should be performed after 6-12 weeks, depending on the region. However, after the hair removal treatment is completed, it is expected that the hairs that have disappeared will not regrow.
Is Ankara Laser Hair Removal a Painful Procedure?
In laser hair removal treatment, laser pulses of 10 to 30 milliseconds are made to the area where the application is made. The pain that our patients will feel during the shot is a simple rubber bump. Patients with a very low pain threshold may be advised to take writemypapers painkillers before the procedure. The feeling of pain is minimized by laser epilation systems with a self-cooling head.
Laser Hair Removal? Razor or Wax?
When laser hair removal treatment and other hair removal techniques are compared, it is seen that laser hair removalis more advantageous in terms of both price and time.
Average waxing time and average waxing fees in the market:
40-45 min / 150-250 TL
Average razor time and average razor fees in the market:
15-20 min / 20-225 TL
Average laser hair removal time and average laser hair removal costs on the market:
It would be appropriate to determine the price of laser hair removal after 55-60 min / 600-700TL (leg) consultation at the clinic.
Laser hair removal is a permanent solution to getting rid of unwanted hair, while other applications require repetitive epilation.
As a result, you can talk to your dermatologist for laser hair removal (Alexandrite, NdYag and Diode) systems suitable for your skin and hair color.
What Should I Consider Before Laser Hair Removal?
Waxing and epilator applications should not be applied to the epilation areas 25-30 days before the laser hair removal process.
Hair bleaching products should not be used.
Before laser hair removal treatment, the areas where the application will be made should not be exposed to the sun for 2-4 weeks and should be protected from the sun.
Laser Hair Removal Systems We Use in Our Clinic;
Cynosure® Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal System
Alexandrite 755 nm wavelength lasers are effective systems for light skin types between Type 1-3. When used for thin hair on the face, it can cause paradoxal hair growth.
It cannot be used safely in effective doses for dark skin colors such as type 5-6. It is applied without gel with an external cooling system.
Cutera® Coolglide NdYag Laser Hair Removal System
Cutera 1064 nm NdYag wavelength lasers are among the most advanced NdYag technologies known in the world. It is used effectively and safely in laser hair removal of facial hair.
Cutera® Excel HR Alexandrite-NdYag Hybrid Systems
These head-cooled systems are both Alexandrite and NdYag systems on the same platform. NdYag is used for dark skin and Alexandrite is used for light skin. Unlike the Coolgilde laser, HR can safely perform laser epilation even in blackish patients, thanks to its wide-ranging NdYag head.
What are the Features of Laser Epilation?
Now, after all this information, let’s give some information about the types of epilation in the laser epilation center. It is necessary to state that there is a very serious development in this field and a serious progress has been made from yesterday to today. Moreover, developments are constantly continuing in this field.
• Diode epilation, which is very effective on thin hair,
• Nd-yag laser epilation device is used in people with tan and dark skin.
• Alexandrite laser epilation used only on people with fair skin,
• Ruby laser epilation used for short hair,
• IPL laser epilation,
What Should I Pay Attention to When Choosing the Right Ankara Laser Epilation Center?
Is the system to be used suitable for your skin color and hair structure?
Alexandrite laser will be suitable for light skin colors and thick body hair, NdYag laser with a large head diameter will be suitable for dark skin colors and thin body hair, and NdYag laser with a small head diameter will be suitable for thin facial hair.
Is the clinic that will perform the procedure experienced in this regard?
Unfortunately, having suitable systems is not enough. The user must be experienced and knowledgeable. You can contact the clinic’s patients and get information about their experiences.
Are the necessary sterilization conditions provided for patients?
Laser device heads and the environment where the procedure is performed must be constantly sterilized against infectious diseases.
What does laser epilation control session mean?
If the epilation treatment is applied to a large area, patients are called for a control session 15 days after the day of the full session and the hair follicles that are not affected by the light energy or were missed during the application are shot again.
What are the session intervals in epilation?
The answer to this question may vary depending on the patient’s skin color, hair color and hair structure . Average session intervals can vary between 4-6 weeks.
Is there a risk of stains and burns?
If the device parameters are not adjusted appropriately according to skin type, hair type and skin/hair color concentration in epilation treatment, there may be a risk of stains and burns during epilation. If the device maintenance is done on time in the centers where you have epilation and the epilation specialist is experienced, there is no risk of burns and stains.
Will there be darkening on the skin after laser?
The skin color in the armpit and bikini area is darker because the melanin pigment is more concentrated in these areas. Since the current and energy applied to these areas will be adjusted to appropriate doses by the experienced epilation specialist during epilation , no darkening will occur.
Does Epilation Damage Skin Type?
While the light beam used during epilation does controlled damage to the hair follicle, it does not cause any damage to the skin type as it is not absorbed by the skin.
Will there be any scars after epilation?
The scars encountered after epilation are generally temporary problems, and if the patient is careful not to sunbathe and uses sunscreen before and after the epilation application, there will be no scars after epilation.
Can Waxing and Tweezing Be Used Before Epilation?
It should not be used before epilation. The devices used target the hair follicles. It causes controlled damage to hair follicles and delays and prevents hair formation. Therefore, since the wax and tweezers used before epilation remove the hair follicle, there is no hair follicle that the epilation application will affect.
If the patient has used waxing or tweezing, he/she must wait an average of 28 days before epilating again. Epilation can be performed after the hair follicles are re-formed.
Do hair follicles return again after epilation?
After hormonal changes (pregnancy, use of hormone medications, etc.) after epilation treatment, the hair follicles are reactivated and thin and weak hairs can be seen, even if they are not thick, hard-structured hairs as before the treatment. This situation is considered normal. If desired, 1 or 2 more sessions of epilation treatment can be taken.
Is there an age limit for epilation?
There is no age limitation in epilation. However, for permanent results, it is recommended that male and female patients do not have epilation between 18-20. Epilation treatment performed after hormonal balance is achieved can provide permanent results.
Do Hairs Continue to Grow During Epilation Sessions?
Hair continues to grow while receiving Ankara Laser epilation treatment. Epilation application affects the hair growth phase. During epilation, which will be performed every 6-8 weeks , all hair follicles are captured in the growth phase and permanent results can be achieved.
When to Start Laser Epilation After Summer Vacation?
After the summer holidays, September may be a suitable time for laser epilation. However, there are some factors to consider before starting epilation. It is important to lighten the tan on your skin. Some laser wavelengths may pose a risk of blemishes and burns on tanned skin. Also, if you have a holiday plan in September, you should not sunbathe for at least a week after epilation. After 1 week and 10 days, you can sunbathe using sunscreen.
Ankara Laser Epilation Prices 2024
Important issues when researching epilation prices are:
Being a doctor-controlled center
The quality of the epilation devices used
Experience of the person performing the epilation procedure
Considering the advantage of the package fee in the session fee and package fee description
The best epilation places in Ankara give importance to hygiene and a comfortable environment during the procedure. It is important to pay attention to this issue in epilation price research.
Additionally , following full body epilation campaign prices may be an affordable solution for you.
As a result, you can get treatment at a proven Ankara laser epilation center with the device that is suitable for you among the devices mentioned above and lighten the appearance of your unwanted hair.