Ümit Mahallesi Meksika Caddesi 2479. Sokak Nokta – ŞARA Binası Ankara No: 2 Daire: 7 Çankaya Ankara
Lip Fillers
Lip Filling Ankara
What is Lip Filling?
Lip filler; It is a filling application that appeals to our patients who are concerned about the beauty of their lips. One of the important parameters of beauty is lips. Lips are important in their own right within the concept of perfect beauty and the golden ratio. It is the region that attracts the most attention as a measure of youth, beauty and attractiveness.
Sometimes from birth, sometimes over the years, due to the effect of gravity, the lips may lose their volume, become thinner, and become deformed. In addition, smoking, sun exposure and harmful make-up materials are factors that can affect the health and beauty of lips.
Patients, especially female patients, who are not satisfied with their lip structure or whose lip shape and appearance have deteriorated over time due to the reasons we have mentioned, want more beautiful looking lips. Because looking beautiful makes people feel good and gives them self-confidence. This is where lip filler Ankara aesthetic application comes into play.
It should be noted here that filler application is not Botox application , although it is sometimes confused with it . The materials used are completely different and have different aesthetic applications.
Frequently Asked Questions About Lip Fillers
How to Apply Lip Filler?
What are the Types of Lip Fillers?
In Which Situations Is Lip Filling Applied?
Who Can Get Lip Fillers?
What are the Advantages of Lip Fillers?
What should be taken into consideration when having a filling?
What should be taken into consideration after Lip Filling?
Is Lip Filling Permanent?
When is the effect of lip filler visible?
Will There Be Edema and Swelling After Filling?
Is Lumping After Lip Filling Normal?
Is Filling Treatment Safe?
Is 1 ml of Filling Enough?
At what age should lip filler be applied?
Is Smile Affected After Filling?
Can Lip Fillers Dissolve?
Answers to the frequently asked questions we wrote above and more are found in our informative article below. One of our priorities is to always inform our patients about the treatment they want and to choose the most suitable treatment for them together.
If you have different questions about lip filling or would like specific information, you can write to us via WhatsApp .
How to Apply Lip Filler?
Although there may be differences in applications depending on the type of filler normally used, the basic logic is the same. The material mainly used is the substance called Hyaluronic Acid , which is found in the human body .
The processing time does not take long. Before filling , a local anesthetic cream is applied to the lips to prevent pain and discomfort. After waiting for the cream to take effect for a while, the filler is injected.
The procedure is performed from the part closest to the corner of the lip, regardless of the type of filler used for the lip. Very special needles produced specifically for all these procedures are applied in an extremely controlled manner. The amount of filler to be used depends entirely on the condition of the lip and the desired appearance.
Lip Filler Usage Areas
It is a method used to shape the lips and regain the volume they have lost.
During the aging process, lips may lose their volume and undergo deformation. It is a method used to shape the lips and give them the volume they have lost. Lip filling is the sub-branch of facial filling .
What are the Types of Lip Fillers?
After talking about the financial part of the job, we need to give some information about the types of fillings for those who do not know. There are basically three types of fillings. These are:
Temporary filling: As the name suggests, it is the most preferred lip filling method of many people, which is permanent for up to 12 months in total and mainly uses Hyaluronic Acid. It is the healthiest method.
Permanent filling: It is a filling method that is not very healthy and remains on the lips permanently after it is applied once. It is a method performed through surgery. The material used is fat tissue and fat infections, known as dermofat graft. Experts do not recommend it too much.
Permanent lip implant (permalip): Finally, among the filler types, we encounter the permanent lip implant permalip. As the name suggests, the procedure is performed with permanent lip silicone called permalip. Permalip is a material that does not cause any problems on the lips, does not deteriorate, does not tear, and is suitable for the soft lip structure. It should also be underlined that FDA approval has been received for lip implants.
Lip filler applications of all three applications differ and require expertise on their own.
For What Purpose Is Lip Filling Done?
Lip filling applications; It is an aesthetic dermatology treatment applied to shape the existing lip structure (determine the lip line) and to restore the volume lost over time to the lip structure. The fillers preferred for treatment are generally hyaluronic acid fillers.
How to Have Attractive Lips?
The aesthetic applications required to have an attractive appearance vary from person to person. In order for the lips to be more attractive, the patient must be evaluated correctly before the procedure, with a holistic approach that suits the patient’s face shape. In order for the lip appearance to look more eye-catching and pleasing, the upper lip should be 1-2 cm outside and the lip line should be clear. The volume in the upper lip area should be slightly less than the lower lip.
How Do You Want Your Lips Shaped?
Your lips are as unique as a fingerprint. The shape of wrinkles and lines on the lips varies from person to person. Our lip shape is passed down through our families.
If we have an asymmetry in our lips, if we are not satisfied with thin lips, or if time has deformed the shape of our lips, it is very natural for us to want more beautiful and more attractive lips.
So how do we shape our lips to make them more attractive and beautiful?
First of all, we need to consult with a specialist physician. A lip shaping process is performed according to your doctor’s evaluation and your wishes, and also suitable for your face.
The current trend in lip appeal has changed over the centuries in favor of natural-looking lips that are not overfilled.
In lip shaping, applying a natural-looking filler with small touches, avoiding exaggeration, and applying a natural-looking filler is the desired result.
In Which Situations Is Lip Filling Applied?
It can be applied to those with thin lips to add volume to their lips.
In patients who do not have a lip frame, filler can be applied to the lip borders and the patient can gain a lip line.
Filling treatment can be applied to eliminate asymmetries in the lip area .
Who Can Get Lip Fillers?
There is no specific age limitation for lip filler application. However, as with any aesthetic application, it is recommended that all clients wait until they are 18 years old. Lip aesthetics is a treatment method that can be applied to all patients who are disturbed by the vagueness of the lip line and have volume and asymmetry problems.
What are the Advantages of Lip Fillers?
The main advantages of choosing filler treatment in lip aesthetics are;
The amount of filler to be injected can be controlled during the filler treatment. In this way, the volume needed by the lips can be determined correctly and a natural appearance can be achieved.
Allergic reactions are not encountered. According to the reliability of the fillers used (FDA and Ministry of Health approved fillers)
It is a fast and comfortable treatment application.
Filling applications add volume to the lips and can also shape the lips.
Thanks to multiple filler applications, the volume added to the lip area can become permanent.
What should be taken into consideration when having a filling?
As with all filling applications, we should be aware that there is a risk of bruising after the injection. We need to stay away from the pool, Turkish bath or peeling for the first 24 hours from the moment of application. Injection sites heal within 24 hours. After completing 24 hours, we can start performing all our activities.
The use of alcohol and blood thinners should be stopped 3 days before the filling application day. To minimize the risk of bruising, high sugar and caffeine consumption should be reduced.
What should be taken into consideration after Lip Filling?
Things you should pay attention to after the filling process:
Lips should not be moved excessively.
Do not apply lipstick, lip balm, or any other product to your lips for at least 24 hours.
Apply an ice pack for up to 10 minutes to reduce inflammation, pain and swelling.
Avoid kissing and drinking through a straw, i.e. pursing your lips.
Be careful when brushing your teeth.
Drink plenty of water.
Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours.
Is Lip Filling Permanent?
The average permanence period of lip filler applications varies between 12-18 months. The permanence of the filler varies depending on the applied area, the hormonal structure of the patient and the type of fillers used. Permanent results can be achieved with repeated lip filler applications.
When is the effect of lip filler visible?
Filling applications begin to show their effects from the moment the filler injection is made. Observing the full filling effect requires a period of 10 days, once the edema in the injection areas subsides.
How Long Does Lip Filling Last?
The permanence of lip filler may vary from patient to patient. The permanence of the filler varies depending on the hormonal structure of the patient receiving the treatment, the area where the application is made and the filler material used. Fillers containing hyaluronic acid are generally eliminated from the body within 12-18 months. You can maintain your lip volume with intermittent repeated applications.
What Does Lip Filling Do?
Filling injections applied to the lip area can restore lost volume to the lips , correct the asymmetrical lip appearance due to volume loss, and create a more pronounced lip line.
Will There Be Edema and Swelling After Filling?
Edema formation under the skin can be expected after filler applications. Edema and swelling that may occur after filling applications will heal within the first 10 days from the day of application . Edema and swelling that may occur after filling applications are temporary side effects.
Do Lips Look Artificial After Lip Filling?
Filling injections applied to the lip area can be performed in a controlled manner. Fillers can be applied in 1 or 2 sessions . Patients can achieve a natural appearance when the amount of filler injected is given in a controlled manner according to the needs of the area where the application is made.
Can I Drink Water After Lip Filling?
Yes, after filling applications, your doctor will recommend you to consume 2 to 3 liters of water a day. Consuming water after filling applications will ensure faster healing of edema and swelling that may occur and prevent skin dryness.
Can I Shower After Lip Filling?
It is recommended not to shower for the first 24 hours after the filler treatment applied to the lip area due to the risk of infection. You should avoid showering with very hot or very cold water for the first 3 days after the filler application .
Is Lumping After Lip Filling Normal?
There are multiple techniques for filler injections applied to the lip area . Each technique allows filler to be injected into different depths of the lip. Accordingly, it is expected that lumps will form after lip filler application. Clumping usually becomes apparent during the procedure and is dispersed with a small massage. Clumping is a temporary condition. If you feel lumps after filling applications, it will be enough to contact your doctor.
What to Eat After Lip Filling?
Very hot or very cold foods and drinks should not be consumed for the first 3 days after the filling application.
Can I Apply Lipstick After Filling?
You should avoid using make-up and lipstick in the first 24 hours after filler injections applied to the lip area. Since the injection sites have not yet healed, we need to protect ourselves from the risk of infection.
How Many Hours After Filling Should You Eat Food?
You can eat after the effect of local anesthesia administered during lip filler application wears off. This may take 2-3 hours. That is, one should not eat anything for 2-3 hours and should not wear lipstick.
How Many Days After Filling Should You Take a Shower?
Injection areas will close within 24 hours from the moment of filling application. You can take a shower 24 hours after the filler application.
Is Filling Treatment Safe?
The fillers used in the lip area are hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in our body. For this reason, hyaluronic acid fillers, which are a safe filler, can be safely applied to the lip area.
Does Lip Filling Pain?
Lips are one of our sensitive areas. It contains many nerve endings and blood vessels. It is the part of our body that we use for kissing and eating. Therefore, some pain may be felt and bruising may be expected.
Local anesthesia is used before the procedure to prevent bruising and pain that may occur during filling applications . Ice can be applied. Injection of fillers performed under local anesthesia is a comfortable treatment method.
Does Lip Filling Fail While Kissing?
The lip area should be treated sensitively for the first 3 days after the filler injection applied to the lip area. Lips should not be moved excessively. For this reason, patients are advised to avoid rough kissing for the first 3 days.
Is 1 ml of Filling Enough?
The amount of fillers varies depending on the area where the application is made and the need. Generally, 1 ml of filler is sufficient for patients with simple volume loss and lip line needs.
What Happens When Lip Fillers Wear?
When the effect of the filler injections applied to the lip area wears off, patients regain the lip appearance they had before the lip filler procedure. After the effect of the applied fillers wears off, patients do not face a worse appearance or any other negative side effects.
What is the earliest age for lip filler?
As with all dermatological aesthetic applications, there is no specific age limitation for lip filler applications. However, patients are advised to wait until the age of 18 before having any aesthetic procedure.
How many weeks does it take for lip filler to take effect?
Filling applications begin to show their effects in the area when the fillers are injected into the needed area. It shows its full effect 1 week to 10 days after the filler application.
Does It Cause Loss of Sensation After Filling?
Fillers may contain substances that have a local anesthetic effect. Even if the preferred filler does not contain components with an anestatic effect, since filler applications are performed under local anesthesia, there may be a feeling of numbness and loss of sensation in the lip area during and after the procedure, which may last for 1 to 2 hours.
How Many Days Does Lip Filling Stay Swollen?
Edema may be observed in the subcutaneous tissue after the injection of fillers. Swelling that may occur due to edema will improve within a few days.
Is Smile Affected After Filling?
Filling injections applied more than necessary may prevent the teeth from being seen while smiling. This may cause smile disorder.
With filler injections applied in the required amount, the risk of smile disorder is eliminated. It beautifies the smile with a full and attractive lip appearance with filler injections applied with a holistic approach in accordance with the patient’s face.
Can Lip Fillers Dissolve?
If you are not satisfied with the lip filler injection, can your lip filler be dissolved? Yes, it can be melted, but this depends on the filler used.
If permanent materials such as polymethacrylate (PMMA) and silicone are used, it is not possible to melt these fillings. If the lip filler material used is hyaluronic acid-based , hyaluronidase enzyme is used to dissolve this substance .
To dissolve the lip filler, hyaluronidase is injected near your filler. Hyaluronidase accelerates the dissolution process of hyaluronic acid filler. If you wait for non-permanent fillers, they will dissolve within a year anyway.
If you cannot wait, we can have the melting procedure done, and the possible side effects should also be taken into consideration. After the injection, you may experience swelling and bruising that lasts for 3-4 days. If this situation persists, you should call our clinic and talk to your doctor.
Does Lip Filling Make the Nose Look Small?
It is observed that the nose appears larger in patients with thin lips and volume loss in the lip area over time. The lips regain their lost volume, making the nose appear relatively smaller.
Is Lip Filling Harmful?
Filling is a medical treatment. It is very safe when performed by an experienced specialist doctor, including a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or cosmetic surgeon.
Filling applications should not be performed in beauty salons or spa centers.
Is it possible to have lip fillers during pregnancy?
We do not recommend having aesthetic procedures during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There have been no studies on whether it is safe to have lip fillers. As a result, the FDA has also not approved the use of fillers while pregnant.
Ankara Lip Filling Prices 2024
Before giving information about lip filler prices in 2024, it is necessary to underline the following point in this part of the article: In the financial part of the work, one should not go for lip filler treatment at Noname beauty centers and hairdressers just because it is cheaper, regardless of the type, and this service should be received from experts who have proven themselves in this field.
Among the parameters that affect the prices are the experience of the doctor who will perform the filler, the price of 1ml filler, the amount of filler used and the type of filler. That’s why filling prices vary. At the payment point, different payment options are offered to people, making it easier for them to pay with the most suitable payment method.