What are the benefits of Botulinum toxin in the healing of migraines and headaches?
In fact, the mechanism of action is not fully understood. While of the effect on muscle relaxation is used in cosmetic and therapeutic purposes, the mechanism of migraines is considered to be different.
How frequent are chronic migraines?
Chronic migraine attacks more than 15 days in a month.
How often should Botulinum toxin application for migraine cure be done?
5 sessions in 12 weeks is recommended.
Is Botulinum toxin injection painful?
It is less painful than aesthetic Botulinum toxin applications and can be easily tolerated.
Is there any risk of side effects?
With an experienced doctor, the injection of Botulinum toxin for migraine is extremely safe and there’s almost no risk of side effects. Pain in the neck and shoulder muscle weakness is a side effect that often disappears within days.
Can I continue with my other migraine medication while also using Botulinum toxin?
There is no interaction requires you to stop your medication. You can continue to use them.
When do I begin to feel the effect of Botulinum toxin?
The effect begins within 10-15 days post-injection.